Monday 8 November 2010

Erupsaun Vulkanu Yogya Estudante TL Halerik Buka Tulun

Tempo Semanal, Segunda 07.11.2010

Estudante Timor Leste balun iha Yogyakarta tenta buka tulun husi Governu Timor Leste hodi aijuda prevene situasaun sira nian. Autoridade indonesia ninian hahu hakoi ema ne'ebe oho husi atividade vulkaun ne'e no rihun atus maka evakua ona ba fatin ne'e seguru. Tempo Semanal tenta ona atu hetaan informasaun ruma husi embaixada Timor Leste iha Jakarta no haruka ona lia husu balun ba maibe to'o surat husi estudante ne'e ami publika seidauk simu nafatin resposta ruma ba pedidu ne'e. Tuir mai surat ne'ebe redasaun Tempo Semanal simu husi estudante balun iha yogya. "Favor hato'o hela ba ita nia Governo Timor Leste, se bele ajuda ami estudante nebee halao estudo iha Yogyakarta bele evakua ba fatin seguru ruma," apellu husi olivio Euclides dos Santos.
Nia hatutan, "Erupsaun Volkanu Merapi Yogyakarta komesa iha dia 26......Outubro too ohin loron oho ema maizumenus 135 mak mate ona i barak mak hetan kanek. Iha sesta feira kalan, rai uut kahor ho rai henek to'o iha Yogya laran tomak. Tamba distansia entre Jogja ho fatin erupsaun nee maizumenus 30 Km. I fatin nebee perigiu liu (la tama) to'o ona KM 20."
"Polusaun do ar hosi erupsaun bele halo ami estudante hotu hetan moras tamba buat nee kahor Sulfur Dioksida (SO2), gas Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S), Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2) no sel-seluk tan."
"Iha senta Feira too Sabadu semana oin eskola hot-hotu nebee iha Yogyakarta laran hetan feriadu
hotu tamba situasaun kondisaun la admiti para halao prosesu aprendizagem..Obrigado
Hosi Estudante Yogyakarta."
Karik Governu Timor Leste iha ona aksaun preventiva ruma? Ita hein de'it........


Brow said...

Obrigado ba Publikasaun ida nee.

Anonymous said...

For God sake...what does the Consular section and the Education attache of the Timor-Leste embassy in Jakarta do? Just sitting behind the desk waiting until one dies...come on, the Embassy has got the money. Prevention is urgently needed when the remedy is unnecessary...pleaseeee move them to a safe haven.

Anonymous said...

OHHh gosht.....iha neba ema mate barak ona mak ita nia embaisada seidauk det hola medida ruma???ka embaisada aruma osan hodi hola kaisaun det k???come...on....look at our people now!they really needed,,,,they can not move transportation..the airport was n when our Embassy will act??